This Winter Night Read online

Page 12

  Alone with Lauren again, Adam said, “That’s going to cost you. I have witnesses who’ll testify that you assaulted me.

  “Now, I’m going to tell you what you’re going to do. You’re going to stop seeing Riley. After which you’re going to come back to me.”

  “You’re delusional,” Lauren said, her voice harsh. She was shaking the kinks out of the hand she’d hit him with. The pain was subsiding. “I’m not doing anything without proof that you really do have a sex tape.”

  He calmly reached into his inside coat pocket and retrieved a small videotape.

  She couldn’t believe he was producing the tape at this very moment. “You meant to provoke me from the beginning,” she accused, livid. “You were prepared for this outcome.”

  He smiled cockily. “I’m a son of a bitch. That has been well established over the years. Too bad you didn’t remember that when you started giving me ultimatums.” He pressed the tape into her hand. “Enjoy the show.”

  He turned to leave.

  “What if I call your bluff and tell Colton you’re trying to blackmail me?”

  He looked her in the eye. “You wouldn’t do that. You’d be afraid he’d try to kill me and you wouldn’t want his spending the rest of his life in prison on your conscience.”

  “Don’t be too confident that you have me where you want me,” Lauren warned.

  Adam grinned. “I’ll take my chances.”

  He left then, not glancing back. She stood there frozen, watching his retreating back and wondering what she’d ever done to deserve this.

  * * *

  Lauren drove around for a while, not wanting to go back to the office because she knew she wouldn’t be able to concentrate on work while she had the tape in her possession. So she phoned the office, and when Meredith answered she told her she wasn’t feeling well and wouldn’t be in for the rest of the afternoon. She didn’t have any appointments today, but asked that Meredith please inform the partners of her plans if they inquired about her in her absence.

  At home, she put the tape in and pressed Play. Seeing her and Adam making love should have been old hat, but it made her sick to her stomach that she’d ever given herself to him. There was nothing particularly kinky about their lovemaking session on the night they’d christened their new home. If Colton actually looked at it, how would he react? No one wanted to see the person they were involved with making love to someone else. She knew she would be mortified if she saw a sex tape with Colton and another woman. Would it force him to quit seeing her?

  Lauren sat on the couch thinking, torturing herself, working out several scenarios in her head. She couldn’t allow Adam to manipulate her. That was a given. The question was, how was she going to beat him at his own game?

  Maybe she could break into his house and steal the tape. But the problem with that was he might have copies hidden elsewhere. Perhaps in a safety deposit box or in a wall safe in his house. He could have even given a copy to a friend to hold on to for him.

  Then something occurred to her. It was illegal to tape someone without their knowledge, wasn’t it? She picked up her cell phone and quickly dialed her lawyer’s number.

  “Arielle Maxey’s office,” the secretary said brightly. “How can I help you?”

  “Is Arielle in?” Lauren asked.

  “I’m sorry, Miss Maxey’s in a meeting. May I give her a message for you?”

  “This is Lauren Gaines. Please tell Arielle to phone me as soon as possible. My ex-husband is trying to blackmail me.”

  There was a sharp intake of breath and an exhale on the other end of the line followed by a quick “I’ll give her the message right away, Miss Gaines.”

  “Thank you,” Lauren said and then hung up.

  Lauren pointed the remote at the video tape player and switched it off. She was breathing a bit easier now. Having taken some kind of action instead of simply panicking had made her feel better.

  Fifteen minutes later, Arielle phoned.

  “What’s this I hear about Adam trying to blackmail you?” she asked belligerently. Arielle, in her mid-thirties, was a sister who seemed to be always itching for a fight. Lauren thought she was well-suited for her profession.

  Lauren explained what was going on and waited patiently while Arielle sat silent on the other end of the line for a couple of minutes. Arielle didn’t like to blurt out responses. She was a thinker, a ruminator. Consequently, her responses were sometimes long and drawn out, although very thorough and logical.

  “You say you had no knowledge whatsoever that you were being recorded?”

  “That’s something I would never agree to,” Lauren assured her. “Not in this day and age.”

  “Oh, yes, I have several clients who have regretted letting their lovers or spouses tape them in compromising positions. Blackmail is often a part of it. They threaten to put it on the internet or send it to someone unless you do what they say. There are some sick puppies out there.

  “In the state of North Carolina taping someone without their knowledge isn’t illegal if the taping is being done in a public place where there is no prior expectation of privacy. But in your home where you didn’t give your permission, and you can expect to have your privacy respected, it is most definitely illegal. Maybe Adam should have consulted his lawyer before trying to strong-arm you into doing his bidding. Do you want me to call him and threaten him with prosecution? It would be my pleasure to do so.”

  “No, wait, I have more questions,” Lauren told her. “Can I sue him for all the copies of the tape?”

  “We can try,” Arielle told her. “But it’s highly unlikely that we would find all the copies. He would probably lie about it. I think you should tell Colton what’s going on and warn him that Adam has threatened to send the tape to him. He can then choose to destroy the tape before watching it.”

  “Do you really think it’ll be that easy?” Lauren asked skeptically. “I like him a lot, Arielle. I don’t want to lose him over this.”

  “He’s a mature adult,” Arielle said. “He knows that you and Adam had a sex life.”

  “Yes, but what if he doesn’t destroy the tape and watches it? Once you see something like that it’s etched in your memory. I’m in it and it disgusts me.”

  Arielle laughed shortly. “Because Adam disgusts you,” she pointed out.

  “Yes, that’s true. But if the shoe were on the other foot, I wouldn’t want to see Colton with another woman.”

  “My advice is still to tell him what’s going on so he’ll be prepared in case Adam sends it to him out of spite after you tell him to go to hell. You’re going to tell him to go to hell, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, and threaten him with jail if he ever shows that tape to anyone!” Lauren exclaimed, getting to her feet. She had decided that there was no time like the present. “In fact, I’m going over there right now and tell him to his face.”

  “No more hitting,” Arielle warned. “He could still press charges against you for assault.”

  “No more hitting,” Lauren promised. “Thanks, Arielle.”

  “My pleasure,” said Arielle.

  Chapter 11

  It only took fifteen minutes for Lauren to reach the Eckhart Construction building on Atlantic Avenue. When she walked into the office the receptionist, a gorgeous young African American woman with silky straight hair falling nearly to her waist, inquired why she was there. Lauren wondered where Edie was. Edie had been the receptionist for years and Lauren had liked her.

  Forcing a smile, Lauren said, “Tell Mr. Eckhart his ex-wife is here.”

  As if she suspected Lauren was there to cause a scene, a panicked expression crossed the woman’s face but soon vanished and was replaced by a polite smile. “I’m sorry, but Mr. Eckhart isn’t here.”

  Lauren hadn’t expected
this. Adam was a workaholic. He was always at the office unless he was onsite somewhere.

  “Then he’s visiting one of his sites?” she asked, her tone friendly but insistent.

  “I’m not at liberty to give out that information,” the receptionist replied stiffly.

  Irritated now, Lauren narrowed her eyes. “Look, I just want to talk to him.”

  “I’m sorry,” the receptionist said again, her voice rising. “Please leave before I have someone escort you off the premises.”

  Suddenly, Edie came walking swiftly into the outer office, a look of concern on her mocha-colored face. Heading straight for Lauren, she cried, “Mrs. Eckhart, what a lovely surprise.”

  Smiling, she reached for Lauren’s hand and they shook. Lauren breathed a sigh of relief. “Finally, a friendly face,” she said.

  Edie didn’t immediately let go of her hand but led her back to her office. Lauren saw from the sign on the door that she’d been promoted to office manager.

  Edie closed the door behind them and then hugged Lauren. They were old friends, after all, and she’d missed her. “It’s wonderful to see you. How’ve you been?”

  “I’m doing well,” Lauren said with a warm smile. “How are you and yours?”

  “Oh, the family’s healthy and that’s what counts,” Edie said. In her early forties, Edie was of average weight and height, had light brown skin and dark brown eyes and wore her shoulder-length brown hair in a straight style with bangs. “As for me, I’m overworked and underpaid, as usual.”

  They laughed. Once their laughter subsided, Edie met Lauren’s eyes and said, “I assume you’re looking for Adam?”

  “Yes, do you know where he is?”

  “He came in here a few minutes ago and went to his office but then he came back out and said he was going home. He was in some pain and thought taking something for it and lying down would help.”

  Lauren panicked. Did she hit him harder than she thought she had? Maybe he had a concussion. If so, he shouldn’t take any medication or go to sleep. That could be asking for trouble. “Okay,” she said to Edie, trying her best to appear as though she was in no real rush to leave but desperately wanting to run out. “I guess I’ll try him at the house, then. Thanks, Edie.” She gave Edie another quick hug. “Take care of yourself, and congrats on the promotion.”

  “Thanks,” Edie said, smiling but looking at her strangely. She walked with her to the exit. “You’re feeling okay, aren’t you?”

  “Oh, yes, yes, I’m fine,” Lauren said.

  Once on the other side of the door she sprinted to her car. She had to remind herself not to speed as she drove across town to the exclusive neighborhood where her former home was located. It would be foolish to speed and risk being pulled over by a police officer. A delay might be the difference between life and death.

  As she drove she remembered when she got up this morning and looked out her window and thought that this was such a beautiful day. She’d been eager to get it started. Now she wished it was over. Why had she hit him? He’d provoked her, true. But all her life she’d been trained not to hit anyone unless in self-defense or in the defense of someone incapable of defending themselves. Yet she’d violently attacked Adam because he’d said something that angered her. So many times people did things in anger that they were unable to take back. If he died because she lacked anger management skills she would have to live with the consequences for the rest of her life.

  She made record time getting to the house on Cone Manor Lane.

  The stone Tudor Revival home had been built five years ago. Adam had had it built as a surprise for their first wedding anniversary so she had not had any say in its design. Although a beautiful home, she found it too big and ostentatious. She would have preferred a less cavernous house with personal details that made you feel at home when you stepped into its foyer. This house was two stories tall with a sweeping staircase. It had five bedrooms, five full baths and two half baths. It boasted almost eight thousand square feet of usable space and sat on two acres. There was a pool out back, and a gym and a home theater in the basement. It was an estate, not a house. Adam liked living large.

  She got out of the Range Rover and ran to the front door. She was about to ring the bell when she noticed the door was ajar. She paused. Adam would not leave the door unlocked. He was usually careful about security.

  Her mind racing, she tried to think what she should do, quietly enter the house and check things out firsthand? Or go ahead and phone the police? If she phoned the police and nothing was amiss she’d look like a fool. But looking like a fool was preferable to walking in and finding Adam dead on the floor from the knock on the head she’d given him. She didn’t think she could handle discovering a dead body, even if that dead body belonged to her horrible ex-husband.

  Unfortunately, while she was mentally debating what her next move should be, a dark figure approached the door holding a gun in her hand and demanded she enter the house.

  Lauren grimaced when she saw the business end of the .38 pointing at her and then slowly raised her gaze to look into the face of her assailant, Nichole Kelly.

  “I thought I heard a car pull up. You’re just the woman I want to see,” said Nichole as she backed into the house, gun trained on Lauren. “Come with me, and don’t make any sudden moves. You and I need to talk.”

  After they were inside, Nichole said, “Lock the door.”

  Lauren did as she was told.

  Nichole went to her and shoved her farther into the house. “We’re going to his office,” she said, her voice calm but decisive. In the office, a large luxuriously furnished room replete with a custom-built stone fireplace, Lauren saw that Adam had been duct-taped to a chair and his mouth was sealed shut.

  She wondered how Nichole had managed that. Adam must have weighed a hundred pounds more than she did. Then when she got closer to him she saw that he had a bloody gash on the back of his head. She certainly hadn’t done that. She’d struck him on the jaw. Nichole must have snuck up behind him and hit him with a blunt object.

  Adam had apparently been sitting in his office chair when she’d hit him from behind and while he was unconscious she’d gone to work on him with a roll of duct tape.

  Lauren turned and faced Nichole. “What’s going on here? Why is he trussed up like that?”

  “Because I decided not to kill him right away,” Nichole said. Her eyes were bright and there was a crazed expression in them.

  Lauren was pretty sure her own eyes were bright, too, with desperation. She didn’t want to get shot.

  “All right,” Lauren said slowly. “What did you want to talk with me about?”

  “First,” said Nichole, “what are you doing here? And don’t lie to me because I’m upset and I don’t want to have to shoot you.”

  “I don’t want you to shoot me,” Lauren said with a nervous smile. “I’m here because he and I argued and I hauled off and hit Adam earlier today and when I went to his office to talk with him I was told that he’d gone home in pain. I was worried that if he had a concussion from the punch I threw, he could possibly die.”

  “So you came to see if he was okay,” Nichole concluded for her.

  Lauren nodded. “Yes.”

  “Why did you hit him?”

  “Because he threatened to show a sex tape he’d made of us while we were married to the guy I’m seeing now unless I agreed to come back to him.”

  Nichole said, “Huh?”

  “Do I have to repeat that? He was trying to blackmail me.”

  “He told me you two were still in love,” Nichole said, “And because of that he had to dump me.” She lowered the gun as she talked and paced the floor.

  Lauren glanced at Adam who was conscious and trying his best to follow Nichole with his eyes. He reminded her of a horse with a bit in its mout
h, eyes rolling from side to side. She wondered if he really did have a concussion. He’d been hit on the head by angry women twice today.

  “I guess he’d forgotten he gave me the alarm code and a key to the house after we got engaged. I had planned on coming in while he was away and getting my few personal belongings as I did one day last week. But when I was here I discovered his little hobby. He has about fifty videotapes of himself and several women having sex. He labels them with the first letter of the name of his conquests. He had ten in there with the letter N. He had around twenty with the letter L.”

  “You bastard,” Lauren cried angrily, glaring at Adam. “You only showed me one.”

  “I was so upset I left that day without remembering to get the belongings I’d come for,” Nichole continued. “So I came back today for them and he picked today of all days to come home early from work. He never does that. I hid while he came in here and sat down at his desk. I was so angry with him for taping me without my permission that I hit him over the head with his own gun. You probably know the one he keeps in his desk drawer?”

  Lauren shook her head nervously.

  Nichole smiled. “You’re okay.”

  “Thank you,” Lauren said with a smile. “I thought you were very nice the first time we met. I wondered why you were with him.”

  “I’m sure many people thought the same thing when you were with him,” Nichole returned the compliment.

  Adam mumbled loudly as if he were reminding them to get back on topic. They both glared at him.

  “Now I’m contemplating whether I should just off him or humiliate him.”

  “I vote for humiliation,” Lauren said. “Death is final and mercifully quick. Humiliation on the other hand lasts a lifetime.”

  Nichole cocked her brow, her interest piqued. “What do you suggest we do?”

  Adam protested even louder.

  “Shut up, we’re trying to think,” said Lauren. “Mmm, what would be a fitting punishment for a pig like him?”