Thief of My Heart Read online

Page 6

  He ushered an embarrassed-looking Desiree back to their table. She laughed quietly. “I guess I’m hungrier for human contact than I thought.”

  Decker leaned toward her across the tiny round table and took her hand in his. He sought her gaze, but she shyly lowered her head. “Desiree, look at me.”

  She raised her head and looked him in the eye. He smiled. “Feel free to lavish all your affection on me. I’m big and strong, I can take it, and if it kills me, so be it. I’d die happy.”

  She burst out laughing. “Why did it take me so long to say yes to you?”

  “We’re together now, and that’s all that matters.” He squeezed her hand affectionately.

  * * *

  Desiree was looking deeply into Decker’s eyes after returning from the dance floor when she heard another woman calling his name excitedly.

  She raised her head and saw a tall, shapely woman in a very short black leather skirt, low-cut sleeveless red silk pullover top and black stilettos. Her black hair fell in waves down her back, and her full lips were bloodred. “Decker Riley,” she cooed as she stood next to their table. No, Desiree corrected herself, she wasn’t standing; she was leaning over the table, her ample chest nearly in Decker’s face.

  Decker sat back as far away from the woman as he could get, and Desiree saw he was having a hard time controlling his irritation at this intrusion. His eyes narrowed as he regarded the woman. “Hello, Marisa.”

  He turned to Desiree. “Desiree, this is Marisa Carlton. She used to work for the firm.”

  “Hello, Marisa,” Desiree said, keeping her tone friendly.

  Marisa looked at her, dismissively rolled her eyes, and then sidled closer to Decker. “I always said that if I ever saw you out in public I would give you a piece of my mind for firing me. But I’m too much of a lady to do that.” She reached into her purse and withdrew a card. “Now that fraternization is off the table, call me. I’ll make you regret letting me go.”

  Desiree was not even shocked by the woman’s behavior. In her practice she’d heard, and seen, much worse. She was pleasantly surprised by Decker’s reaction, though. He nailed Marisa with a hard stare. Marisa seemed hypnotized by his gaze and couldn’t tear her eyes from his. Not raising his voice, he said, as he placed the card firmly back in her palm, “You’ve been exceedingly disrespectful to my date and to me, Marisa. So I don’t regret saying that firing you was not only the right thing to do, but the only thing to do. You have no regard for boundaries. You were often late, didn’t perform your job well and blatantly flaunted your sexuality in a professional environment where it was highly inappropriate to do so. Now, please leave before I have you thrown out.”

  For a moment Desiree thought Marisa was going to put up a fight. She puffed up her chest, and a determined light entered her dark eyes, but only seconds later, she let out a defeated sigh, muttered, “To hell with you,” and turned and walked away.

  Decker shook his head in consternation. “I fired her because she kept coming on to me even after I repeatedly told her I wasn’t interested.”

  To Desiree, this was a perfect example of why she’d resisted going out with Decker for so long. Women threw themselves at him. Was that what had happened with Noel? Maybe he’d tried to remain faithful to her, but temptation had been too irresistible. Was there any man on earth who could remain faithful to one woman?

  But was it fair to Decker to judge him by Noel’s standards? He had, after all, refused to sleep with Marisa when she’d offered herself to him.

  Decker was looking at her askance. “Desi, what are you thinking?”

  “I bet women try to proposition you all the time,” she said.

  “Women are bolder than they used to be,” Decker allowed. He reached across the table and grasped her hands in his. “You don’t have to worry about that. I’m a one-woman man. I’m faithful when I’m in a committed relationship, Desi. That’s just how I’m wired. Like your promise to yourself to only sleep with someone you’re in love with. When I’m in love with a woman, I don’t sleep with anyone else.”

  “Why’d you have to turn out so damned fine?” Desiree exclaimed in exasperation.

  Decker laughed. “Are you going to hold an accident of birth against me? It’s not my fault that my parents’ genes gave me this face. Besides, you’re beautiful. Am I supposed to distrust you just because other men find you attractive? That’s not reasonable, Desi. In every relationship you’ve got to have a certain amount of faith that the one you love will stay true to you. Otherwise it won’t work.”

  “After finding out about Noel’s cheating, it’s going to take me a while to believe in fidelity again, especially when you look like that!” She accusingly pointed at his handsome face and physique.

  Decker just laughed harder. “Girl, I’ve got to give it to you, being with you is never boring. Are you ready to go home?”

  Desiree smiled and nodded. She rose and picked up her purse. “Some first date, huh?”

  “It was going pretty well up until a few minutes ago,” Decker said as they made their way across the club to the exit.

  Chapter 6

  Desiree heard her cell phone ringing on the nightstand, but she was so deep in a delicious dream about Decker that she was reluctant to come fully awake. Her dream self kept saying, Let me dream, let me dream. However, the ringing was too insistent, and the cacophony finally broke through the barrier of the dream. She groaned as she opened her eyes and rolled over in bed to pick up the phone and check the display. She knew it! It was one of her sisters. Saturday morning, and (she checked the current time on the cell phone) she was half an hour late for their jog in the park.

  Lauren’s voice said, “Last week when Colton and I stayed up late, at least I made it to the park on time the next morning.”

  “I’m sorry, but you know I’m not used to late hours,” Desiree said as she hauled herself up and put her feet on the floor. That was a start, although what she really wanted to do was go back to bed.

  “What time did you get in last night?”

  “Two-thirty,” she said, yawning. “We had dinner and went dancing. Then Decker brought me home and I invited him in for a coffee, which, thank God, he declined, because if he had accepted he might still be here.”

  Lauren was laughing on the other end. Desiree heard her trying to relay the message to Meghan between guffaws.

  “I’m getting up now,” she said into the phone. She yawned again.

  “Will you stop yawning in my ear?” Lauren said. “Go back to bed. Missing one Saturday won’t kill you. We’ll talk later. I just wanted to call you and tell you, I told you so! It’s hard to resist a Riley man.”

  Meghan got on the line. “Don’t forget we’re getting together on Sunday at Lauren’s to discuss Mama and Daddy’s anniversary party. I had a conversation over Skype with Petra early this morning, she contacts me at the most godforsaken hours because of the time change, but I’m rambling. Long story short, she’s coming home. Her research is done in Central Africa for the time being. She said a TV network is interested in her hosting a show for them. Could be Animal Planet, I can’t recall. But she’s thinking of taking the job and staying stateside for a while.”

  Desiree was fully awake now. “That’s great news. It’ll be wonderful having P back in the fold.”

  “You’re telling me!” Meghan exclaimed. “I can’t wait. Okay, sis, get some rest. Are you seeing Decker again tonight?”

  “Yes, this time he’s cooking for me at his place. He’ll be grilling for me.”

  “Men and their grills,” Meghan joked. “They’ve loved grilling since the first caveman discovered fire.”

  Desiree heard her tell Lauren what she’d said about Decker cooking for her at his place tonight, shortly after which Lauren took the phone from Meghan and said, “No, Desi, do not, I repea
t, do not go to Decker’s place tonight or any night soon. You’re not ready to sleep with him.”

  “Who said anything about sleeping with him?” Desiree asked, her voice rising. She certainly had no intention of sleeping with Decker after the Marisa incident. Not until she felt more secure in the notion that faithfulness was possible between them. But she was determined to give their relationship a fighting chance.

  “I haven’t heard you say anything about not sleeping with him, either,” Lauren countered. “It’s going to be hard to resist him after he’s cooked for you. Riley men wield spatulas like magic wands. They cook for you, pour on the charm, and before you know it you’re lying naked in their arms.”

  “May I remind you that you slept with Colton the first night you met him?” Desiree said. “And you two ended up married with an adorable son.”

  “Colton and I made love for all the wrong reasons,” Lauren said regrettably. “I was hurting over a bad marriage that ended in divorce, and he was seeking comfort because his dad had just died. That we ended up falling in love was a miracle. Many couples who make love too soon don’t end up together.” She paused. “Who am I talking to? You know the statistics, Dr. Gaines. How many divorced people come to you for help? Quite a few, I’d wager.”

  “Too many,” Desiree admitted. “But you don’t have to worry, sis. I’ll sleep with Decker only if I fall in love with him.”

  “Are you sure you’re not already in love with him?” asked Lauren. “It’s not as if you just met him. He’s been a part of your life for a while now. He was on the periphery of your life, yes, but you two ran into each other at countless family gatherings. Maybe subconsciously you not only lusted after him, but learned to love him for who he is. Admit it, you’ve liked him all along. You were just afraid of letting Noel’s memory go. But now that you know Noel was no knight in shining armor, psychologically you’re free to love again.”

  “Who’s the psychologist here?” Desiree asked with a laugh.

  Lauren laughed, too. “I just know you. I’m the older sister. Heed my advice. Don’t go to Decker’s place tonight. Go to a movie or something.”

  “I’ll give it some thought,” Desiree finally promised Lauren. “Goodbye, sis. I’m going back to bed.”

  “Bye, girl,” Lauren said, and hung up.

  Desiree hung up the phone and lay back down. As she adjusted her pillow, getting comfortable, thoughts of the kisses she’d shared with Decker flashed through her mind. Was she simply horny, or were those the best kisses she’d ever had? She smiled as she closed her eyes and willed herself to go back into that wonderful dream she’d been having about Decker before Lauren had interrupted her. “Dream, dream,” she whispered as she drifted off to sleep.

  * * *

  Desiree was in her bedroom getting dressed for her date with Decker, the TV on the wall tuned to the evening news, when she heard the anchor talking about a teacher who’d been arrested for allegedly having a sexual relationship with one of his students.

  She went to stand in front of the screen, her eyes riveted on footage of the suspect as he was led from his home, handcuffed, to a waiting police cruiser. It could be none other than Madison’s math teacher, Fredric Sawyer. He was a bespectacled, mild-mannered-looking guy who appeared to be in his midthirties. On Wednesday, after she’d had a breakthrough with Madison, Mrs. Samuelson had taken her daughter home, saying they would be going to the police station to file charges against Sawyer as soon as Madison felt strong enough to face all the questioning that would undoubtedly ensue.

  On the screen, Sawyer was holding his head down as though he didn’t want his face to be seen. A reporter was thrusting a microphone under his nose, asking, “Did you take advantage of a fifteen-year-old girl? Would you like the opportunity to deny the charges?”

  Sawyer refused to say anything and looked relieved when the officer helped him into the cruiser, making sure he didn’t hit his head while getting in. The reporter turned to the camera at this point and said, “Sawyer isn’t saying much of anything. Janie, I’m told that Sawyer is married with two small children. We tried to speak with his wife, but she wouldn’t open the door and talk to us.”

  “Leave the poor woman alone,” Desiree mumbled as she watched. The news then cut to an anchor in the studio who must have been the Janie the reporter had referred to. Blond and beautifully made up, she smiled and said, “We’ll have more later on this breaking story.”

  Desiree wondered how Madison was faring. Surely she was aware that Sawyer had been arrested. She had given Madison her cell number and made her promise to call her anytime, day or night, if she needed her. She hoped the girl would keep her promise and not suffer quietly if this new development caused her any emotional distress. Desiree felt compelled to get in her car and drive to the Samuelson house just in case Madison needed her, but that wouldn’t be advisable. She had to allow Madison to start making decisions for herself. She’d been a pawn in Sawyer’s sick game for so long. She now had to reclaim control of herself, her inner strength and ultimately her own power.

  There was no harm in phoning Mrs. Samuelson and checking up on Madison, though. She picked up her cell phone from the nightstand and scrolled down to the programmed number. The phone rang only twice before Serena Samuelson answered, “Dr. Gaines, you’ve heard, huh?”

  “Yes,” Desiree answered. “I’m just calling to let you know that I’m at your disposal if you need me.” Her voice was soft yet reassuring. “How is Madison doing? Did she watch the news?”

  “Yes, we all saw it,” Serena said. “Madison isn’t saying much, but I think it’s safe to say that she got some satisfaction out of seeing him being led away by the police.”

  “As well she should,” Desiree said. “All right, I’ll let you get back to her. Give her my best and remind her that she’s not alone. She has many people around her who love her.”

  “I will, Doctor, and thank you,” said Serena.

  Desiree ended the call feeling a little more settled. She knew this was only the beginning. Anything could happen before Sawyer saw the inside of a prison.

  * * *

  Decker pulled up in front of Desiree’s house and cut the engine. He sat for a moment, looking at the house, a large Mediterranean-style home on a quiet, tree-lined street. The landscaping was very well done. He couldn’t imagine Desiree got out there in the heat of the day and cut the grass herself, but he wouldn’t put it past her. She seemed to enjoy using her body in physical ways. Between the karate and the running, she seemed to be in perpetual motion. He liked that because he was quite active himself. A woman who could keep up with him and perhaps join him in his interests intrigued him.

  He got out of the SUV wearing jeans, a baby-blue T-shirt with the emblem of his alma mater, the University of North Carolina, emblazoned on his chest, and athletic shoes. He’d told Desiree he would pick her up at seven. When he told her he would pick her up, she’d protested, saying she would drive. But he’d insisted that picking her up and bringing her safely back home again was the gentlemanly thing to do. She’d seemed a little surprised by his attitude, but pleased, too.

  He jogged the rest of the way up the walk and rang the bell. He looked around him as he waited. Desiree had a way of making a home very welcoming. Even the plants surrounding the portico seemed to give evidence of a loving nature. He recognized blooming orchids in pots, hanging ferns and climbing roses encircling the columns holding up the portico. It was a very serene setting.

  But the barefoot woman who opened the door made that sedate feeling vanish and forced him to replace it with one of intense longing as soon as he laid eyes on her. Desiree was dressed in a short hot-pink dress that hugged her curves. The stretchy material twisted around her graceful neck, which sent the eye directly to her full breasts. He allowed his gaze to continue downward over her hourglass figure with its flat stomach and flaring hips, en
ding at her long, shapely legs.

  She grinned at him. “Hey, come on in. You want a tour before we go? We didn’t spend much time in the house last night.”

  She stepped backward to allow him to enter. Decker didn’t know if it was okay to kiss her hello or not. He wished he could shake this insecurity about Desiree, but he didn’t want to make any missteps now that they were actually dating. He waited for some sign from her. She didn’t make him wait long. She hugged him enthusiastically. Enveloped in the lovely scent of her, this time a spicy oriental fragrance, he closed his eyes as she squeezed him tightly, and hugged her back.

  Parting, they looked into each other’s eyes and then she said, “Kiss me already!”

  Decker leaned down, placed his big right hand behind her head, grasped her about the waist with his left and pulled her against him, claiming her mouth.

  He claimed it and planted his flag on it in his own inimitable fashion. He could not kiss Desiree in a heated rush. He approached her with appreciation for the sweetness that she offered up to him. Yes, he was excited, but it was not an out-of-control excitement that would render the experience nothing more than a sexual response when he thought about the encounter later on. He intended to relish the here and now. He savored the fact that her lips were soft and that her breath tasted sweet and fresh and was beguilingly intoxicating. His ears were attuned to the soft mewling noise she made as she kissed him, which told him she was enjoying this as much as he was. He exulted in the fact that her arms had naturally gone around his neck, and she was pulling him closer to her. She wanted her body molded to his.

  When he raised his head, she looked at him with a satisfied smile. “I could get used to you in a hot minute, Decker Riley.”